Backyard Bootcamp

Join The Backyard Bootcamp

A Home Workout Membership

Learn to Prioritise YOU and Exercise Consistently in the Next Month or Less, Without Feeling Like You Have to Sacrifice Your Time, Family or Work.   

The Backyard Bootcamp is a unique home training, and lifestyle membership and community -
created purely with the time-poor woman in mind. 

Join The Backyard Bootcamp

If you’re a time-poor woman, with a to-do list that just seems to grow and never get shorter, chances are you would love to find the time to exercise consistently, make more nutritious meals for yourself and find space in your day to be you.

And like most women I speak to in this position, perhaps you feel frustrated that you just can't stick with those lifestyle habits that you know will make you feel good both in the short and in the long term.

Do you ever find yourself thinking...

You’ll just start next week, as you’re too tired right now?  
Or when the kids start at kindy?  
When there is less 'crazy sh*t' going on in your life?  
Or when the baby starts sleeping through the night? 
When work isn’t so busy and stressful?  
Or when you get fitter? 
When you ‘find motivation’? 
Or when this round of sickness in the family passes?

I get it... and it's not your fault!

Most people think that to prioritise themselves and their exercise, then they have to give up things that are important to them, or be ‘selfish’ with their time.

Leaving you feeling guilty for taking time away from those other areas in your life - you know the ones... the areas that seem to have red flashing lights dancing around asking for your attention.

 But the truth is, the real culprit is society.  

Society has us believe as women, that we need to show up as our best selves in EVERY area of our life.  

So we end up aiming for perfection...

To be the superwoman.  

The superwoman mother who takes a huge and active role in our children's life.  
The home-proud superwoman, who is always cleaning, cooking, planning, running errands and organising everyone’s lives. 
The superwoman employee, who is turning up for our role at work and always striving for the best.  
The superwoman wife, who makes sure our partner has always got their bucket filled.  
The superwoman daughter and sister, who makes sure we are taking care of and spending time with our family.  
The superwoman friend, who is always there in a pinch and making time for her mate when needed.  

But the thing is, something has to give... because you know as well as I do, that superwoman is a fictional character, just like perfection is a standard that will NEVER be met!  

(What is perfection anyway!? Your idea is probably totally different to every other person around you!) 

And so... we drop ourselves subconsciously to the bottom of our priority list.  
The things that don’t need our immediate attention, get put on the ‘I'll start that next week’ list.  
Only, we find that 'next week' often turns into the next month, then perhaps even the next year or years!  

As our circumstances never seem to change to the point where we feel like we can fit ourselves in.
In those areas of our life where we know we need to start focusing on in order to feel like our best selves.

Because right now, it's all about getting through one day at a time.
Making sure everyone is doing okay and getting what they need first. 

But if we carry on putting ourselves, our health, our needs last... then what? 

What will happen if you don’t start to prioritise yourself each day? 

If you’re like one of the many time-poor women I regularly speak to, who feel stuck or ‘wake up’ one day feeling like they've lost who they are....

Then which of these applies to you? 


  • Maybe you feel like a shell of who you used to be? 
  • You're overwhelmed by the thought of where to start and how long it's going to take to become the woman you know you can be?
  • You look in the mirror and don’t fully recognise the person looking back at you? 
  • You get paralysed by the fear of failure that comes with self-doubt about whether or not you could actually reach your goal or then maintain it - because you never feel like you have been able to before.
  • You always feel like you've lost your get-up-and-go, never having that drive or motivation like you used to, unable to get started and commit to the changes you want to make.

After reading that, how much of it resonates?

I hear you, as I have walked (and continue to walk) this path too.

By the time my third child was born, I had 3 children under 3 years old. 

Any resemblance of my former self and former life felt long gone! 
Endless waking in the night to feed a baby or calm a toddler left me running in the red-light-zone of my internal fuel gauge.
My energy was usually at absolute zero and I felt like I was doing everything I could, just to get through the day.
I didn't recognise the woman in the mirror. My body had changed and I didn't feel good about myself.
(Side note: I was 'only' 30 at this time - now at 40, I care little about body asthetics but living a full active life instead!)

I was in a state of reaction-mode all day, grabbing food where I could, sitting down in short bursts.I was snappy and moody with my poor husband each day when he walked through the door from a day at his work.
I resented him having his 'freedoms,' when I was on a treadmill of staying at home and Mainly Music dates with the few friends I'd made.
And I ran the house like a military camp with strict routines (just to survive really!)... but I was not factored into that routine - just the kids...

But at the same time, I craved time to be ME again. I wanted my vibrant self back. My energy back. To identify as someone other than just 'Mummy' 24/7. To feel comfortable in my clothes again, instead of self-conscious.

I wanted to create this new me, who is now responsible for raising three small humans,
but whom could also be myself.

But nothing felt like it could change due to my circumstances of now being a time-poor Mum.

I would tell myself the story that I couldn't go for runs like I used to because there was no one to care for the kids (we did not have family living closer than 3 hours drive away from us), let alone go to a gym to lift weights like I had been used to!

So how was I supposed to workout, which was the piece of me that I knew always made me feel like ME??

And therefore nothing changed, until one day I decided to change that internal dialogue I'd had with myself.


Because no one could do it for me, I had to take charge and take responsibility for myself.

That's when I decided to start working out at home, doing little circuits I wrote for myself (afterall, I have a bloody Bachelors degree in this stuff! 🤦)... all while having a pre-schooler, a toddler and a baby by my side.

These small home workouts using basic equipment I got second-hand off TradeMe, became like the first domino falling.

Because I was now exercising consistently, I felt physically and mentally better. I started getting stronger and day-to-day activities got easier.

My energy started to come back.

And my moods were much more balanced!

I then started to give a sh*t about what I was eating. I knew that food played a role in me being so tired and how I showed up emotionally for my family. So this is when I started to really delve in to learn and understand more about nutrition. Eventually falling into sustainable eating habits that have me feeling great and always having the energy that I need, when I need it.

I saw how I was really the foundation blocks of the house that is my husband and children.
And therefore when I was shaky because I was not looking after my needs - that it truly and strongly affected all of them too.

And in time, and as the kids got older, I began to do more and more things just for me - because my needs were a priority and I mattered too.

I take two nights a year away for myself. 🥳
I go to bed before the kids when I'm really tired and need to catch up on sleep. 😴
I make time for coffee dates with friends (with or without kids in tow). ☕
I dress to feel confident and good about myself. 💃
I put on basic eye make-up every day as this makes me feel like me.💄

And still today in 2024, above all else, I make sure I get in my consistent exercise. 🏃‍♀️

As that's the glue that keeps holding all else together.

Exercise is the first foundation stone that supports
the amazing person that is YOU!

But making that first step, knowing how to get started and what you can do from home, is often harder than most people think.

And that's where I will help you, so that you're never left unsure, never left unsupported, have accountability and will always have the most effective bang-for-your-buck workouts on tap.

To allow you to exercise consistently and easily - without the guilt, stress and challenges that come with raising a family.

It is not selfish to put your needs up the list.

 If you’ve already felt a nudge towards taking a more active role in your overall well-being, to start making yourself a priority, then that means you have what it takes to gain yourself back fully and truly start living the life you know you want and deserve. 💚


  • You know EXACTLY how to do effective workouts at home that will improve your strength, your cardio fitness, your mental health and your emotional health.
  • You no longer struggle with showing up for yourself and being consistent with your exercise routine.
  • You have gained back a piece of the YOU who you were before you became a Mum/Wife/Worker living the adult life routine.
  • You can run, skip, bike ride, climb trees, roller-blade, go on mountain hikes - with your kids or with friends and never have to worry about if you're 'fit enough' to do so.
  • You feel confident in yourself and in your body. 
  • You have more energy and zest for life!
  • Where we live in a world where it's the norm to be strong - right into our later years!  


The Backyard Bootcamp!

The Backyard Bootcamp is a monthly workout and coaching membership
designed purely for time-poor women who are ready to revamp their physical, emotional and mental health; ultimately how they live and view their life!  

It’s a step-by-step transformational process that will change you... 
From watching and waiting from the sidelines for life and circumstances to change... to where you can start to put yourself first, to a woman who knows how to prioritise herself, to take consistent action, create sustainable habits and become an active participant in the game!

Discover how to safely and effectively workout in the a short space of time, so that you can fit exercise into your day without having to forfeit all the other parts of your lifestyle that are important to you.

How to exercise using a small range of equipment at home, without needing to sign up to a gym ever again, so that you can build back your strength and your fitness.

Avoid the big mistakes that cause most people to quit exercising or healthy eating habits soon after they start.  

Get live weekday morning classes, and live monthly workshops, so that you never have to guess at what to do and when.  

You’ll learn the truth about how the body, brain and emotions all work together to help you create sustainable exercise, eating and lifestyle habits, so that you can continue to prioritise yourself and never 'fall off' anything again.


- Just like it's doing for Greer!

"A long break from working out (kids etc.) meant working out didn't seem like something I could do any more, both in terms of time, and ability. 
A close friend had always raved about Fi as a trainer but what swung me was when I heard there was a library of workouts I could try in my own time, in my own garage, with no one to see my lack of coordination!
Now I do the live workouts, or one of the recorded sessions and it fits around the rest of my day.
And the workouts are fantastic.
Fi sets you up to succeed, pushing you to achieve more than you thought you could, while making it fun and definitely not intimidating.
The workouts fly by too!"



Join Fi live at 6.10am on any of the weekday mornings that suit you, for a 30-minute effective workout. Some basic fitness equipment will be used, but you can get started with nothing and Fi will still have those muscles working hard!

Discover how these short workouts can quickly increase your strength, your overall fitness and your mental well-being, even if you haven't exercised in a really long time.

Live Workouts Include:

  • Bodyweight workouts; the place to start if you've been inactive for a longer period of time. The quickest way to get started, using no equipment and just your body. We also use basic household items like a chair or a book for more variety and targeting different muscles.
  • Resistance band workouts; the easiest way to start adding more resistance in order to build up your strength. With mini loop bands, or stronger fabric 'booty bands', your muscles are challenged to the next level. No band? No problem - grab a bath towel instead!
  • Dumbbell workouts; the fastest way to continue to safely build strength. Using one or two sets of dumbbells, you will take your strength to the next level. Not ready to invest in dumbbells just yet? Grab two drink bottles or cans from the pantry and Fi will expertly show you how to make them feel like they weigh 10kgs each!
  • Kettlebell workouts; the single most effective way to really step up your training, challenging both your muscles and your lunges. Learn correct techniques and add this 'functional' style of workout to your routine! No kettlebell yet? Grab a dumbbell, or even a backpack with some added weight and you'll be ready to go!
  • Timetable; Each morning we start at 6.10am and the workout is just 30 minutes long. Mondays are high-intensity classes. Wednesdays alternate between high-intensity and mobility (think, Yoga, but faster). Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings are low-impact (no jumping exercises) strength-based classes. Be prepared to use any equipment on each of the days! The art of surprise is what keeps previous clients coming back instead of talking themselves out of it - before we even get started!


Upon joining, gain immediate access to all the Vaults! These contain previous bootcamp workouts, with over 150x 45 minute sessions!
So that if you miss a live workout, or want to add extra into your week (or weekend!), you can simply hit 'play' on a recording and get going.
Plus, the vaults contain so much more...

The Vaults Include:

  • The Bodyweight Vault; 45 minute workouts using only your bodyweight.
  • The Kettlebell Vault; 45 minute workouts using a kettlebell for challenging your muscles even further.
  • The Lockdown 4.0 Vault; 45 minute bodyweight workouts recorded during Auckland's 2021 extended lockdown.
  • The Lockdown Vault; 45 minute bodyweight workouts recorded during New Zealand's 2020 lockdowns.
  • The Lockdown Kettlebell Vault; 45 minute kettlebell workouts recorded during New Zealand's 2020 and 2021
  • The Slam Ball Vault; 45 minute slamball workouts for a dynamic workout to add to your routine.
  • Deep Core Muscles; a detailed vault on recognising if you have separated abdominal muscles from pregnancy - and what exercises to do to both heal and strengthen your abs.
  • Simple circuits; short 10 minute circuits to complete if you're stretched for time. Or, do more rounds if you prefer!
  • Partner workouts; got a friend or partner who you want to get outdoors and exercise with? These guided workouts are perfect to get the two of you laughing and sweating together, where you definitely need that second person to help you along!
  • Fitness testing; simple tests you can do in your own time, to determine your starting fitness point. Then retest along your journey to 'measure your success' in how your body is improving in ways beyond societies standards.
  • The 'Recovery Vault; the gentle guided stretching routines for after your workout.

" Fi as a trainer is EPIC! She always gives it her all. She modifies her workouts to suit the needs of everyone.
She inspires you to want to keep going.
Her workouts are the best I've ever done with so much variety.
Her personality is infectious and that translates to the best workouts that lift your body and mind."  


By the time you complete your first month, you'll notice a huge difference in your body, your energy, and your mood!

* You'll have greater muscular strength - both in your whole upper and lower body and your core too.
* You will be more confident and capable of moving into the next month, having now got your body used to moving in new ways.
* You may even notice your day-to-day life flowing with greater ease, as you prioritised yourself and your well-being first thing in the day!

Get started on becoming stronger, happier and in the body of someone who takes time for themselves, today!

But that's not all…

The Real “Secret Sauce”


I’ll admit, there are a lot of programs and online fitness sites out there that promise the same kinds of results as The Backyard Bootcamp.

Maybe you’ve bought into your fair share only to be disappointed. And maybe this is starting to sound like more of the same. Promising 'super-effective workouts' and 'accountability from live workouts' but really, it's still far too much, too soon - and still leaves you doubting yourself that you'll stick with it.

Well the truth is, few if any of those other sites, can deliver like The BYBC does.

For one simple reason:

The Backyard Bootcamp focuses on helping you to create a lifestyle where you consistently take time for you. NOT just another 'exercise membership site'. With a coach and community supporting and believing in you all the way, we delve into topics each month, that go far deeper and beyond than purely getting your sweat on.

You already know that attempting to do anything new and different by yourself is darn near impossible, right?! Chances are, that’s why you’re here in the first place, ya? You’ve already experienced what it’s like to try and figure out how to start putting yourself first and an exercise routine that actually works for your lifestyle - and it’s not easy. When all you’re left with is your thoughts of doubt and self-sabotage, it’s easy to question everything you’re doing!

When that voice has you second-guessing your life decisions, it feels like you’re spending more time contemplating throwing in the towel vs. actually getting to work, am I right?

Well, let me ask…

How much more will you already increase your odds of success when you have a community and coach helping you every step of the way?

It’s like learning a new language. Sometimes just getting to the class is a challenge. But when you have a dedicated native teacher pushing every step of the way, you already know you’re going to hit your language goals faster!

That’s why, if I wanted to give my members a fighting chance, I know they need all the help they can get! Which is why, as a member of The Backyard Bootcamp , you’ll get direct access to myself and the community of peers going through the same thing, to support you on your journey! They will want you to succeed just as badly as you do!

And by now you’re already beginning to see how The BYBC is unlike anything else out there. While most online fitness sites leave you high and dry to fend for yourself, The BYBC creates an environment conducive to your success and gives you the support you need and deserve to finally reach your goals!

"I'm sure I've said something like this before, and maybe it sounds a bit intense, but you really have transformed my life in ways I didn't think were possible.

I had tried and failed to make changes on my own without pushing, punishing or restricting myself. You helped me find a way to feel balanced, well and alive again without any of the old sticks I used to beat myself up with.

It is incredibly empowering to think that I can have a healthy compassionate relationship with myself and my body now.

I feel fit, healthy and so much more self-accepting than I did a year ago."


Plus, there is more!

We all need the workouts, the learning, the tools.
But equally - if not more important - is those that we travel along our journey with.
When you decide to join The Backyard Bootcamp, you will become a part of a group of like-minded women who you can trust to support you along the way.

Online Community Group


Real People in a Real & Supportive Community.

If you're like me, than you know exercising, working out and staying on track with your health goals can be lonely... trying to figure out everything on your own, with nowhere to go and no one to talk to when you have questions or doubts.

That never happens again once you join our Backyard Bootcamp Private Facebook Community.

You surround yourself with a brilliant support network.
A team of positive, 'battery-charger' bootcampers.

One that answers your questions, picks you up when you’re down, who you can trust will understand your daily struggles and gives you the kick in the pants you need to stay on track and true to your goals. And I'll also be here answering your questions and supporting you all the way!

The Bad Knees Bootcamp

Have you ever heard yourself saying of thinking, "I've got bad knees"?
Or, maybe it's that some exercises like lunges, step ups and squats cause your knees to ache or burn?

It's something that is super, super common.

And so, you have complete access to The Bad Knees Bootcamp too!

100+ workouts in a challenge format, that you can access at any time - all designed to take the stress out of your knees -
but still give you an effective all body workout.

With three different ability levels to choose from, no matter how 'bad' your knees are, there are workouts suited to you!

"I always intended to exercise on my own, but it was easy to make excuses not to do it
(too wet, too hot, too busy) and I lacked motivation.
So I joined bootcamp. You become part of a team, a team who motivates and encourages each other. I look forward to bootcamp, it’s great for the body and soul. I feel so much stronger both physically and mentally. Fi is ‘real’. She is a great role model and motivator-no matter what fitness level you are. Fi takes a personal approach to everyone and will tailor the exercise to suit your ability."
- L. KIM

You may be thinking... That sounds like a lot to get through!

I know!

And if all of it seems a little overwhelming, believe me… It’s not.

I created The Backyard Bootcamp to eliminate overwhelm — not create more... to make getting back to exercising and taking care of yourself easier for you, not harder.

It’s designed to make your transformation from being a woman who is 'time-poor' to a women who is 'prioritised' in her own life. And to make that easy, fun and sustainable.

First, all the live workouts are short, but extremely effective - averaging less than 30 minutes each.

You won’t get blasted with hours and hours of video workouts that kill your desire to move your body before you've even really begun! (Although you DO have a back catalogue of over 150, 45-minute workouts for when you're ready!)

More importantly, all the workouts and extra members group lifestyle discussions are structured so you build on momentum and sustainability - not lose it.

NOW HAVING SAID ALL THAT... The Backyard Bootcamp is definitely NOT for everyone.

If you’re looking for a quick-fix, or a “lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks” program, then The Backyard Bootcamp is not for you.

The Backyard Bootcamp is designed to show you how to prioritise yourself and your exercise, coach you on your relationship to food and your body, create sustainable nutrition habits for life, and transform your mindset from 'I can't' to "I can!".

In other words… it's a complete program to shift your mind, body and health for good.

So if you’re after a magic pill to solely take away your stubborn belly fat, please keep looking.
I ain't your gal!

If you’re “thinking about” how to get motivated to start, or lose weight overnight, The Backyard Bootcamp probably isn’t right for you… yet.

To get the most out of The BYBC you should, at a minimum, have a positive attitude towards taking strides at getting out of your comfort zone - physically and mentally. Or being okay with stepping into the future version of you now, who questions her 'internal stories' she tells herself and wants to make an effort and keep herself right up the priority list - no matter what life throws at her! Knowing that the Bootcampers will always be there to help.

Finally, if you're looking to passively absorb information and sit back and wait for success, never hit 'play' on a workout video or join in live, and expect your body and mind transformation to fall from the sky, then please don't join The BYBC.

This is a program for people willing to put in consistent work to achieve life-changing results.

The Backyard Bootcamp is designed for time-poor women, who are ready to start prioritising their own well-being, to get stronger and fitter,  so that they can regain an (or have an improved) active, fulfilled, and deliciously fun life!

That said, if you’re ready to put on your workout clothes, show up for the classes and you’re willing to put in the necessary time and effort (yes there is time and effort involved) to make your vision real… then here is your chance!

Your 30-Day Worry-Free Guarantee

I am personally committed to providing AWESOME workouts that are safe, effective and fit into the lives of time-poor women who are ready to prioritise themselves and their health.

If you are not completely satisfied by the workouts and content inside The Backyard Bootcamp, simply send an email to fi@fimodderman for a FULL REFUND. No hurdles. No hiding. No questions asked. 

NOTE: If the ONLY thing holding you back from taking action and investing time in your health and body is a fear of "will this work for me?" or "How can I trust that I'll show up and do the workouts when I haven't in the past?" I encourage you to re-read my words above. I will honour this guarantee without exception, because I'm committed to giving the best possible experience to my members. And if we are not a right fit, I am here to rectify the situation. 

So… with your success all but guaranteed, you’re probably wondering…


The Backyard Bootcamp is a small investment in yourself that pays huge dividends in your future.

One that will pay you back for the rest of your life. By taking you by the hand, stepping you through the workouts and habit changes…. that lets you live the life you want!

It’s a transformation that frees you from 'knowing I need to do something for myself, my health, mind and body' . And lets you become the action-taker who, one day at a time, will step out of the label of 'time-poor' and into the 'prioritised' identity!

I’ve helped hundreds of struggling women, become strong, fit and BOSS when it comes to their bodies – and now it’s your turn! 

My PT clients pay me $35 to work with me in a half-hour one-to-one session.  
And my coaching clients pay me over double that.  

This equates to $1000 a month, when they are training with me 3 days per week, plus a weekly coaching call.
I do not offer anything else this inexpensive anywhere else.  

But over the past few years, I’ve seen so many women and Mums struggle to find themselves, to find any exercise routine that works WITH them and it stops them dead in their tracks. They stay stuck, and their dreams to get stronger and fitter, or create solid lifestyle changes, or to take time for themselves, never make it further than a ‘one day I’ll get there’ thought in their heads.  

Which means if you keep waiting to feel 'ready' or for 'one day' to put yourself first and get this exercise thing figured out, you’ll never go on to improving your overall quality of life that being stronger (physically and mentally) brings. And that means if nothing changes, nothing changes.

It’s for that reason, that I want to make sure that I get this program into as many hands as possible so that I can help you get going and on the fast track to living your best life!

So tell me... Are you in? 

When you weigh all that against the investment and what it will do for you and your future, then it's an easy choice.

The Backyard Bootcamp is a monthly investment of just $39


For just NZ$39 a month!

So now it’s time for you to make one of two choices.... 

The first choice is to do nothing. And as you know, if you choose nothing... then nothing changes.  

BUT... if you already know that you want to step into the best version of you possible, then your choice is obvious.

Join us inside The Backyard Bootcamp and start your transformation to becoming the time-poor woman struggling to fit in the healthy habits she knows she wants to adopt, to you who now can consistently prioritise herself, her exercise, her mindset and her meals.

Simply click the link below and I’ll be waiting for you on the inside!

But CHOOSE Quickly!

Because each day you tell yourself you'll do it when you're 'ready', you’ll miss out on starting TODAY to transform yourself, your mind and your body.

You CAN do it.

The team of bootcampers and I will be there to help!

So don’t waste another day, week or month dreaming about what could be.

Join us now and make that 'dream' of improving your strength, body and health - a reality.

Hey there, I’m Fi Modderman  

I love helping busy women and fellow Mums (just like you!) get active again and STAY active! 

As a teenager, I fell in love with helping people through exercise. So I went on to study my Bachelor of Physical Education, majoring in Exercise Prescription.

Since then, I have got (a lot!) older, had three children and now giving myself the ability to keep living my best life is my top priority. This means keeping my body strong, mobile and healthy. And having the mental and emotional resilience to handle whatever life decides to throw at me.

Having further studied seven years ago to become a Certified Health Coach, I am also able to help those that need it to change habits of a lifetime to support good health and vitality!  

I've been running in-person fitness classes and bootcamps, alongside personal training and individual coaching, for over the past decade.  

Now it's time to reach more women to create consistent positive lifestyle choices, via my online membership.

Ready to get started?

Do you still have questions? 

What if I can't make the live workouts?

Not to worry! All the workouts are recorded and uploaded into your Backyard Bootcamp membership portal. Simply head in there and click on the latest workout to get going in your own time!

What makes this different to jumping on YouTube to do a workout?

There is something extremely real for most of us, about needing real-time accountability. Just knowing someone is actually working out along with us, is often the difference between getting out of bed for your workout... or sleeping in and telling yourself you'll get up and start tomorrow. Doing the workouts live will start the discipline and habits, that will have you rewire your brain to stepping into the identity of someone who is active. Of someone who always makes sure they get their workouts in. So even when you can't get there live - you'll be the type of person who puts on the replay later on!

Not only that, joining The BYBC will save you hours searching through YouTube for the 'right' workout that ticks all those boxes that our workouts will give you.

I haven't worked out in YEARS. Is this right for me?

I always make every effort to ensure that I show you the lower options in every workout we do. Every Tuesday and Thursday will also be 'low-impact' sessions, where all the running, jumping and bouncing exercises will not be included. I always encourage you to take extra breaks and rests when you need, so that you ultimately end up making the session your own, going at your own pace - and therefore it's suitable for you no matter where you are starting from!
Oh and remember - if you're really concerned that you have a low level of fitness - you have the bonus Bad Knees Bootcamp too! Which is a perfect starting point as all the workouts are less challenging.

How will I know if I'm doing the exercises correctly?

I encourage you to share a small video clip in our Facebook group so that others can also learn from my instruction and praise or correction of your technique. Part of my job is to help you feel confident in doing the exercises! Also, if you're doing the workouts live and have your camera on, I may notice if you're doing something incorrect and help you out in real-time. 

Do I need any special equipment to do the workout classes?

To get started, you don't actually need anything. I can make your muscles work hard using a simple bath towel and/or a couple of cans of beans! However, as we age and lose muscle mass and bone density (especially us lady's!), we need to add resistance to improve and maintain what we have. That's why the classes will also include a mix of dumbbell, kettlebell and resistance band sessions. Inside your membership, I have included links of where to purchase these at very reasonable prices. You can add in the equipment as and when the budget suits! But as mentioned, you can get started and still get an awesome workout it - with nothing!

How long are the workouts?

Our live workouts will be between 25-30 minutes long. I know your time is pressured and precious - hence why you'll be getting incredibly effective workouts that mean you DO NOT need to workout for an hour to get the same benefits! Hooray! I encourage you to warm up a bit more first if you're someone who is very stiff and takes a while to get going once you get out of bed. And you'll have access to cool down/stretching videos to follow along to as well at the end of the workout should you wish.

How long will it be before I see results?

This question is based on what results you are hoping to see - and is also related to how often you are going to do the workouts to achieve that result. As such, I can not give you a firm answer. What I do know, is that if you are committed to moving your body each week, you will see success in your life. This can be in many forms, such as; increased strength, increased mobility, ease of doing everyday activities (like chasing a wayward toddler across a carpark!), decreased body fat, increased muscle tone, increased energy, increased feelings of joy and well-being, increased emotional resilience, better sleep and so much more... oh and increased joy in life! You will be able to maintain your functionality and fitness as you start to age, so you will never have to worry about not being able to get up out of a chair without having to use your hands, when you’re 65!

What can I expect once I enrol in The Backyard Bootcamp?

Upon completing your enrollment, you will receive an email within a few minutes with your login details for The BYBC and Zoom link for our live classes.
Upon your first login, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to the pre-recorded workouts inside the Vault, The Bad Knees Bootcamp, and all other modules. Each month the live coaching calls will be added as a recording into separate modules for Nutrition and Mindset, for you to access at any time. You will also receive the link in the email to join the Facebook Community Group!

I don’t want big muscles! Will this training give me big muscles?

If you are a woman, the short answer is no. You would need to be lifting very heavy weights often, combined with a special diet aimed at weight gain. I have been doing these workouts personally for over 8 years and I don’t have ‘big’ muscles, just muscles with a bit of definition due to a low-ish bodyfat percentage. It’s a common misconception. Women want to look ‘toned’ (meaning that they don’t want to look soft and flabby), yet are afraid that weight-bearing exercise will turn them into a bodybuilder look. You NEED to do weight-bearing exercise to increase the quality of your muscles, as well as to help burn off the layer of fat so that you can see your new muscles.

What if I'm injured or have some ongoing pain?

That sucks if you're hurt, but it definitely doesn't mean that you need to give up on your fitness. For years I've been adapting these workouts for people with sore knees, backs, shoulders etc. 
Just take the workout back a notch. Don't do the jumping exercises if they hurt you - instead do the low-impact version. Or, head over to your bonus Bad Knees Bootcamp - as there are even seated workouts too!
If you have sore knees and lunges hurt, then swap them with squats. 
If your lower back hurts (go do the deep core muscle exercises too!) and swap out things like burpees, for something else like a walk-out burpee.
Essentially, just substitute out the exercises that hurt or aggravate you, with something else that doesn't. And if you're still unsure, head to our Facebook group and ask me for some help!

I’m so sore! What’s going on??

I hear you! And it’s COMPLETELY normal to feel this way! It’s an amplified feeling in those first two weeks, as your body gets used to the new exercise you are doing. Sore muscles is called DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Please check out the Recovery Vault on how to manage this feeling. And remember, sore muscles are a good thing! It means you have stressed them enough that they can now heal stronger!

If I'm struggling to stay accountable and need that extra support, what are my options?

It's great that you recognise that you're someone who needs that extra helping hand to keep you on track! I have an upgrade option, whereby you'll get a text and email on Mondays and Fridays to see how you're getting on, what the challenges that week have been and how we can keep you moving forward. Interested in this upgrade? Send an email to with 'Bootcamp Upgrade' in the subject line.

How do I cancel my Membership?

Simply email me at least 2 days before your renewal date at and I will take care of the cancellation right away. There is no commitment or obligation and you are not locked into anything beyond what you sign up for. Your membership will auto-renew for you each month. How long you stay is completely up to you. As long as you are getting value from the workouts, content, calls, support, and motivation, you should stay. From my years of experience running group fitness classes, many members find the program to be an integral part of their success and the results they get – specifically because it provides them with support and accountability – as well as fresh workouts. This is my intention for you too!


For just $39 a month!

15 Vaults

Getting Started

Welcome to the Backyard Bootcamp !

Jump in here to see where to get this ball rolling so that you know exactly how it works around here...

Dumbbell Vault

Find all the recordings of our weekday dumbbell workouts here.

Resistance Band Vault

Find all the recordings of our weekday resistance and booty band workouts here.

30 Min Bodyweight Vault

Find all the recordings of our weekday bodyweight workouts here.

Lockdown 4.0 Vault

Workouts from the 2021 Lockdown! 

Deep Core Muscles

STOP! Before you go on and look at anything else, I HIGHLY advise you to watch these video lessons and make sure you know how to turn on your core muscles.


Simple Circuits

Unlock these simple circuits by completing your workouts above!

These are designed with microbands and/or booty bands. 

Vaults for this program 15
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