Bad Knees Bootcamp - Level 3

Level 3 of the Bad Knees Bootcamp.

In level 3, the workouts are similar to 'mainstream' workouts, but all the movements that cause knee pain have been taken away. 
That means no squats, lunges, running or jumping! 

But that doesn't mean, that they aren't equally as effective...

They are designed for those whose knees are bad enough that joining in community fitness groups, trying online exercise classes or videos, or essentially any mainstream workout hurts your knees unless you modify it yourself. 
- There is no having to modify here! 
All the workouts have been designed with you in mind!

When you join the Bad Knees Bootcamp, you will gain access to:

  • Bodyweight only workouts
  • Resistance band workouts
  • Dumbbell workouts
  • Kettlebell workouts
  • Ab workouts
  • A stretching routine
  • And more...

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8 Modules

Getting Started

Welcome to the Bad Knees Bootcamp !

Jump in here to see where to get this ball rolling so that you know exactly how it works around here...

Level 3 Kick-off Challenge

Do you have sore knees that hurt or creak when you try to do regular exercise classes?
And now you've been inactive for so long, you don't know where to start?

Then the Level 3 Kick-off Challenge is the perfect place to begin again! 


Let's stop and assess how to go out feeling good after your workout!

Modules for this program 8
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 $ 169.00 NZD

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