Available Programs

Check Your Functional Strength

Discover the strength levels of your leg muscles today, so that you can age with a greater quality of life and not miss out on being able to do all the activities you currently love and/or take for granted!

Backyard Bootcamp

The Backyard Bootcamp is for time-poor women who are wanting to exercise consistently, with workouts designed to make you strong both in body and mind!

Live 30 minute workouts each weekday morning at 6.10am. 
Plus access to the library of 150+ classes.

You'll find inside:

* Bodyweight workouts
* Kettlebell workouts
* Dumbbell workouts
* Resistance band workouts
* And much, much more!

Get started now with your FREE 7-Day Trial!


Start STRONG at home - Learn the correct technique and skills for each exercise, whilst you complete your workout. 

Designed for those new to resistance training and whom do not want to join a gym!


Train STRONG at home with a large variety of workouts!

"A great way to start my day and get my body moving. Find the strength sessions a perfect way to push myself to the level I need with Fi always providing different levels of intensity. Loving seeing the results and amazing how much stronger I am." - Teresa

Bad Knees Bootcamp - Level 1

Does this sound like you?

My knees are so bad, I can’t really stand up for long to exercise without being in big discomfort. I need to strengthen my whole body, but sitting down to exercise would be best.

Bad Knees Bootcamp - Level 2

Does this sound like you?

My knees are bad enough that I need to exercise at a gentler pace. I can't kneel on my knees and getting down on the floor is hard work. Walking up stairs is a challenge. I want to strengthen my whole body within my current limitations.

Bad Knees Bootcamp - Level 3

Does this sound like you?

My knees hurt when I do higher impact exercise or squats and lunges. I can move at a faster pace and can easily get up and down from the ground if need be. I need home workouts that will strengthen my whole body but not hurt my knees.

Personal Training

Love that 1-1 support?
Love knowing that you're getting personalised coaching on your exercise technique?
Then having a PT might just be right for you!

3 with Fi Office Edition

No time to workout?

Like ever??

I'd like to prove you wrong! 

Sign up for the absolute best 3 minute micro-workouts that can be done in the office or your place of work!


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