In-Person Home PT

Join me in my home studio (garage!) in Pegasus, North Canterbury, as I take you through your session.

This is not your typical ‘gym’ setup – but please don’t let that fool you into thinking you won’t get the strength, muscles and fitness that you are looking for!

We won’t be using large machines, or your typical cardio equipment that you’d in most other training facilities.

Using free weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, suspension bands etc), will help you gain stability and balance, whilst also doing the job of resistance training. This helps you reach your goals faster! Plus, I’m a real stickler for technique, so will be coaching you through the right ways to move, keeping you safe at all times.

I have spent the best part of the last decade training people (and myself!) using only what you see here – and my clients always leave happy with their workout!

Whether you are looking to:

* Increase your strength
* Drop a dress size
* Improve your muscle quality
* Get leaner so that you can see your muscles better (tone up!)
* Exercise despite a current or recent injury
* Or just have someone keep you consistent with your exercise routine...

Then reach out today to book in!

I love nothing more than helping you feel awesome in your body (and mind) and keeping exercise a fun and enjoyable experience for you!

Contact me here to book in. 

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Kind words:

"I am a 71 year old woman , with osteoarthritis in my hips, lower back, knees and one foot and ankle, along with the other bits and pieces that go along with aging. 

I found myself in the position of having a sharp mind trapped in a deteriorating body and I decided I needed to get some help with strength and mobility in an attempt to narrow this gap. ( These two aspects of fitness are associated with older peoples’ ability to maintain independence). Thus started my life-changing journey with personal training!

Fiona has been central to that journey over the last 6 months. 

Fiona, herself, is a truly amazing woman. She is very knowledgeable and caring and her enthusiasm for what she does is infectious. I loved our sessions which were fun but at the same time challenging. Fiona instilled in me a belief that I could do things I never would have contemplated being able to do. Suffice to say as a result I am fitter, stronger and my overall wellbeing is high!

Fiona will be missed by all her clients here in West Auckland. I wish her every success in establishing her business in her new hometown of Pegasus. We have passed a true gem onto the community of Nth Canterbury."

- R. Dixon

"I have been starting my working week doing PT with Fiona every Monday morning for the last 3 years now and it has completely leveled up my motivation and mindset to stay focused and active throughout the week.

I used to have ongoing lower back pain but with the regular training and Fionas specialized exercises designed to strengthen and improve my core I have noticed a huge change in my stamina and movement quality that when I miss a week I can really tell.

Fiona is a fantastic trainer because she advocates beyond the physical appearances of exercise by sharing resourceful and insightful information about mindset and intrinsic values.

Fiona's personal commitment and achievements in her own health and lifestyle are admirable and inspire myself and other’s to keep coming back.

We love her! You will too."

 - S. LeticaMassage Therapist

"I came to Fiona after having 2 children 13 months apart and my body felt all but broken and weak. I was 18 months postpartum and needed something for myself but also something that was flexible.Fiona was amazing, while I worked out my kids played/ate so it was never an issue to get there and get it done.

Being a mum of 3 close together she understood where my body was at and where to focus to give me strength and stability back till I was fitter and able to tackle bigger workouts.

I couldn’t recommend her more! She is a ray of sunshine and someone who is truly dedicated to women’s health and well-being.

- A. Spence

"Fiona is an amazing PT!

She was recommended by my physio after a disc injury. I am a mum of three young children and was in so much pain and struggled to do basic tasks like drive or put on my shoes!

Since seeing Fiona I have become pain-free and am getting stronger every PT session! She has helped me work on my physical strength but also given me the confidence I need to keep pushing through when things are tough!

She has supported me to lift heavy weights and is supporting me to get stronger and healthier! I really enjoy my PT sessions and working with Fiona has been so empowering and one of the best parts of my week!"

- C Redgwell

"The sessions with Fiona, always push you harder than you ever would training by yourself. Exercises that cater for my ongoing lower back issues, and look to build everything around it to make the rest of me stronger, and therefore making my lower back strong in the process.

I always leave the sessions feeling energised, buzzing, and better.

Couldn’t recommend Fiona highly enough as a trainer."

- S. Cotton

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